Particularly suited to Key Stage 2, this programme focuses on identifying skills and qualities, the changing world of work and why skills and qualities are important, communication techniques and presenting yourself positively, finally students write a letter applying for their perfect job and interview each other in pairs using their positive communication techniques. Money in the Real World can also be covered in this Programme.
£330 a day
Particularly suited to Key Stage 1, this programme gets children thinking about lots of different jobs and the kind of person who might enjoy doing different types of work Using props, pictures and key words, children have lots of fun starting to consider the skills they have and what their perfect job might be.
£330 a day
A fun day where students will develop their team work, leadership, creative thinking, budgeting and organisational skills through undertaking an Enterprise activity over the course of a day. The activity will be planned, organised and delivered by Own Futures in conjunction with the school to ensure we fit in with the needs of the school day. Schools can choose from the ‘Design a Theme Park’, ‘Design a New School’, 'Create a Community' or ‘Organise a Festival’ topics; alternatively Own Futures are happy to work with the school to develop a bespoke enterprise activity linked to a theme or topic of the school's choosing.
It is possible for the activity to take place over a series of weeks rather than one day and this can be discussed at the planning stage.
£330 a day
An exciting day perfect for Primary Schools where students will meet a range of volunteers from the World of Work. Including in class activities in the morning led by the volunteers and then 'Guess the Job' Q&A sessions in the afternoon, the students will have the opportunity. to find out about a range of different careers and. the people who do them. Own Futures will provide generic questions in advance of the event so teachers can prep the students. The workshops will be tailored to suit your school's requirements and can be run over several days to make it an even bigger event!
£380 a day
A brilliant way for primary schools to develop their STEM offering and inspire students towards an interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. A range of STEM activities will be planned, organised and evaluated by Own Futures. These will be created in a bespoke fashion in conjunction with the school but can include: talks, workshops and hands-on activities.
£380 a day
Students develop their ability to be financially literate through a range of activities. Through sessions including budgeting, saving vs spending, salaries, needs vs wants and the cost of living, students will become more able to make informed financial choices.
£330 a day
Why not get parents and children working together over the course of a day to improve their employability skills. Together they will identify their skills and qualities, write CVs and personal statements, practice presenting themselves positively and interview each other. A great way to engage parents with the school.Alternatively, why not dedicate a day just to parents to help them develop their employability skills.
£330 a day
Friendly and informal hour long workshops aimed at developing parents’ employability skills. This can include CV writing, interview skills, personal statements, financial literacy or just improving self-confidence. Planned and delivered by Own Futures.
£55 per hour workshop
A fantastic way to encourage your students to Aim High! With information and advice about life and courses at universities and degree level apprenticeships, this will help start your students thinking about how high they could aim. Our Apprenticeship workshop aims to inform students about life as an apprentice as well as get them to meet apprentices so they can ask questions and find out information first hand. Choose one or have a combination of both. Can be tailored for both primary and secondary school students.
over a day.
£165 Half Day / £330 Full Day
Ideal for secondary schools, a fabulous ‘one-stop’ way for students to meet and engage with a whole host of business volunteers from across a full range of sectors. The careers convention will be planned, organised, run and evaluated by Own Futures. It will usually last three hours but can be planned in conjunction with the school to ensure we fit in with needs and requirements of the school day.
The event is designed to raise aspirations, open students’ eyes to the different career options there are out there and inspire them!
Perfect for Secondary Schools, Own Futures can plan and organise mock interviews for your students which will help them develop the skills they need for when they face the real thing! Conducted by volunteers, students will be given a face to face interview plus feedback on how they did and what they could do to improve. A fuller programme can be created to suit the needs of the school including interview preparation lessons, CV and personal statement writing and presenting yourself confidently workshops. This can be priced for separately on request.
£330 per interview day. Prices for interview preparation available on request.
A great place to start with your school's Careers Related Learning. Own Futures will plan and create a range of low key but high impact resources that can be taught as part of your existing curriculum throughout this week – starters for lessons, displays around school, assemblies etc. This can take place at the same time as the National Careers Week or, if this doesn’t fit with your school timetable, why not hold your own Careers Week! Perhaps combine it with some of the other activities on this menu for a comprehensive programme.
Own Futures are happy to work with any school on their Careers Education provision and are keen to have discussions about developing a programme and resources that suit each individual school. If you don’t see anything you like from the above ‘menu’ please feel free to get in touch to discuss what else we can offer you.
Working in groups, students will have an imaginary budget to create a brand new primary school including outside space. They will have a booklet with equipment and costs in so they will have to make choices regarding budget. They will also create a range of other aspects including uniform design, map of the school and school rules.
They will get input at the start of the day on aspects of this such as budgeting and marketing. They will also get input on how to present.
Students will develop their soft skills such as teamwork, creativity, communication and resilience. They will also have the opportunity to work with students they may not normally work with. They will develop their confidence and presentation skills through doing their presentations and they will also have the element of competition, initially within their class or school and then across the schools
£330 per class per day plus £165 for a final afternoon.
It is possible to mix and match depending on the intake and number of forms in each school.
Each school will have one group represent them in the grand final so if schools have more than one form entry but choose for us to work with the classes individually then there will need to be a semi-final to decide on the school representative (discussed at the planning stage).
The winning groups will take part in the grand final in front of a panel of judges.
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