I have put together some ideas of careers learning activities that children can do independently, either at home or school. I have written it for the children so you can copy any of them that you want and give them to children as an activity .
- You might be spending quite a lot of time inside your house at the moment. Have you ever wondered how many jobs it takes to build a house? Now is a good time to find out! https://housebuildingcareers.org.uk/
- The World of Work is always changing. There are jobs now that didn't exist 15, 10 or even 5 years ago such as Vloggers, Drone Operators, App Developers! What jobs might there be in the future that don't exist now? What jobs do you think will be around in 10 years? Use your imagination and be as creative as possible? Flying car instructors? Robot housekeepers?
- There are some very unusual jobs out there - water slide tester, professional sleepers, golf ball divers. If you could do any job at all, what would it be? Use your imagination to create your ideal job description. What hours would you work? Where would you be based? What would your job involve?
- Interview a family member, friend or teacher about their job. You could do this in person if they live in the same house as you or via Skype, Facetime, the phone or maybe even write them a letter with a list of questions for them to answer which they could post back to you! Do any of them do a job that you would enjoy?
- Create a job scavenger hunt around the house and garden. Find something a chef uses. An electrician. An office worker etc
- Do an Alphabet of Jobs - can you think of a different job that begins with each letter of the alphabet. Discuss what these jobs might involve. Turn it into a poster
- Being able to identify and evidence your skills and qualities is hugely important. What different skills and qualities have you developed over the last year that you wouldn't have done had we not been in lockdown?